! Read this before plaing !


20xx y.e.. 70% of the Earth is covered with dense Green Gas of unknown origin. Those who lived on the peaks - survived and justified the "Shelters".

People would have solved this problem long ago, but the Gas was not simple. Like a rational being, it knows how to hunt.

"Engineers of light" are the only ones who descend into the ruins and lay "Lines of light", monitor beacons and stations. The developments "Red radiant", that scatter gas, and Jetpack are the only salvation. One lighthouse is out of order and your task is to pave the "way of light", no matter what it costs you.


WASD to move.  Arrow Up to jump and interact with "Thoughts and prompt".  X to dash !!! [In some places it is better to use only it]


 Checkpoint. [Yellow light - activated];  Next level "Portals"-ventilation Thoughts and prompt Collectible challenge "Red radiant".

GAS-light is a short [but hard!] game, created with  pocket platformer by the_l0bster! Have a good game!


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it's a great game!